About Familia

Libraries index How to read a Familia Record Practical tips on the use of Library facilities

Newcastle upon Tyne City Council

Principal Public Libraries with family history resources
Research services
Registrar General's Index
Census records
Electoral registers
Poll books
International Genealogical Index
Unpublished indexes
Parish registers
Published transcripts
Other materials
Guides to collections
Record Office address
Other information

Library Services URL:
Chapman County Codes (BS 6879): TWR, NBL

2. Principal Libraries with Family History resources

Newcastle City Library
Princess Square
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE99 1DX
Tel: 0191 261 0691
Fax: 0191 232 6885

Opening hours:

Monday: 0930-2000
Tuesday: 0930-1700
Wednesday: 0930-1700
Thursday: 0930-2000
Friday: 0930-1700
Saturday: 0900-1700

Other Libraries:


3. Research Service

Service available? Yes

Fee-based? Yes for the first two hours. We employ a researcher to conduct lengthy searches

Provided by local Record Office? ~list attached Genealogy Guide No. 2$
4. Births, Deaths and Marriages

Registrar General's Indexes from 1837 (microform), or Registrar General for Scotland's Computerised Index from 1855.

Locations St Catherines House index. Held in Humanities & Arts Section, City Library

5. Census returns

1841-1891 for Newcastle upon Tyne (microfilm)
1881 for Northumberland and Durham (microfiche)

6. Directories

6(a) County and Regional Directories

Northumberland and Durham
Durham 1796
Northumberland and Durham 1828

6(b) City and Town Directories

Newcastle 1778-1968

6(c) Telephone Directories

Newcastle, Northumberland and Durham. All (1951 to date)

7. Electoral registers and polls books

7(a) Electoral Registers

Newcastle 1832 to date
~See attached guide no. 7$

7(b) Poll Books

~See attached guide no. 7$

8. International Genealogical Index (IGI)

1992. Microfiche. Northumberland and Durham in Local Studies, City Library.
Rest of country in Humanities and Arts Section, City Library

9. Unpublished Indexes

Biographical index from newspaper articles etc.
Some census surname indexes donated by researchers etc.

10. Parish Registers

~See attached guide no. 5$

11. Periodicals (excl. newspapers)

Northumberland & Durham Family History Society Magazine
Thousands of other local and national periodicals, although not specifically genealogical.

12. Published Transcripts of Archival Material

~See attached guide no. 3$

13. Other material


14. Guides to Collections

~See attached$

15. Local Record Offices

~See attached guide no. 2$
Tel: -
Fax: -
Email: -

Other information