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Gloucestershire County Council

Principal Public Libraries with family history resources
Research services
Registrar General's Index
Census records
Electoral registers
Poll books
International Genealogical Index
Unpublished indexes
Parish registers
Published transcripts
Other materials
Guides to collections
Record Office address
Other information

Library Services URL: http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/libraries
Chapman County Codes (BS 6879): GLS

2. Principal Libraries with Family History resources

Gloucestershire Collection
County Library
Brunswick Road
Tel: 01452 426979
Fax: 01452 425042
[email protected]

Opening hours:

Monday: 1000-1930
Tuesday: 1000-1930
Wednesday: 1000-1700
Thursday: 1000-1930
Friday: 1000-1700
Saturday: 0900-1300

Other Libraries:

Please note that the local studies information will be moving in December 2005 to become part of the Record Office

3. Research Service

Service available? Yes, but limited searches of indexed materials only

Fee-based? No

Provided by local Record Office? Yes. Gloucestershire Record Office provides a fee-based service

4. Births, Deaths and Marriages

Registrar General's Indexes from 1837 (microform), or Registrar General for Scotland's Computerised Index from 1855.

Locations -

5. Census returns

All Gloucestershire 1841-1891

6. Directories

6(a) County and Regional Directories

County 1793-1939

6(b) City and Town Directories

Gloucester 1841-1974
Also variety of other directories for Cheltenham, Stroud, Forest of Dean

6(c) Telephone Directories

Broken sequence from 1937

7. Electoral registers and polls books

7(a) Electoral Registers

Electoral lists, parliamentary and municipal, for Gloucester from 1832; partial sets for rest of county to 1937.

7(b) Poll Books

From 1776

8. International Genealogical Index (IGI)

6th Ed. British Isles on microfiche

9. Unpublished Indexes

Gloucester Journal Births, Deaths and Marriages 1880-1913

10. Parish Registers


11. Periodicals (excl. newspapers)


12. Published Transcripts of Archival Material


13. Other material


14. Guides to Collections

'Routes to roots: a basic list of sources for Gloucestershire Family History at Gloucester Library'. Available at http://www.gloscc.gov.uk/pubserv/gcc/clams/information/locstud/index.htm

15. Local Record Offices

Gloucestershire Record Office
Alvin Street
Tel: 01452 425295
[email protected]

Other information
