2. Principal Libraries with Family History resources
Manx National Heritage Library
Isle of Man
Tel (01624) 64800
Fax (01624) 64801
e-mail library@mnh.gov.im
Opening hours:
Mon-Sat 10am - 5pm including most Bank Holidays. Closed one week every January.
Other Libraries:
Isle of Man Family History Society Library
13 Michael Street
Isle of Man
No direct phone or fax
Limited opening hours usually three afternoons a week. Phone the librarian to check before a visit. Current contact number available from Manx National Heritage Library.
3. Research Service
Service available?
Manx National Heritage Library will attempt to answer basic straight forward enquiries but it is unable to undertake detailed research.
List of genealogists who will undertake research for a fee is available from Manx National Heritage Library
Provided by local Record Office?
4. Births, Deaths and Marriages
Registrar General's Indexes from 1837 (microform), or Registrar General for Scotland's Computerised Index from 1855.
The Isle of Man is a seperate Registry and is not included in the microfiche indexes available in the UK. Civil Registration commences in 1878 for Births and Deaths and in 1884 for Marriages.
The indexes have been microfilmed and are available at Manx National Heritage Library. For copies of certificates contact Civil Registry, Deemsters Walk, Bucks Road, Douglas. Tel: (01624) 687038.
5. Census returns
Manx National Heritage Library holds 1841 - 1881 on microfilm, 1891 on microfiche.
1851 and 1881 are available in printed transcript by the Isle of Man Family History Society at both Manx National Heritage Library and the Isle of Man Family History Society Library. The Mormons have produced a surname index to the 1881 census available on microfiche. The Manx National Heritage Library also holds Surname indexes for all other years of the census.
6. Directories
6(a) County and Regional Directories
The Isle of Man has no equivalent of the Kelly's series and mainly appears as a section in the normal commercial directories such as
Pigot and Slater.
All Island
Holden 1811
Pigot 1824, 1837, 1843
Slater 1846, 1852, 1857
Thwaites 1863
Brown 1882, 1894
Smith's 1883
Porter 1889
Bent's Business Directory 1902, 1907
Barrett's 1963
6(b) City and Town Directories
Local Barrett's Douglas 1955
6(c) Telephone Directories
Telephone Directories
1900, 1906, 1925 to date.
7. Electoral registers and polls books
7(a) Electoral Registers
An elected House of Keys was introduced in 1866 and first list of voters were compiled for the first general election.
Manx National Heritage Library holds early registers and poll books (unlisted) and an incomplete series of electoral rolls from 1883-1915, 1919/20, 1950-1984. Later years are available through the Fines Office of the isle of Man General Registry.
7(b) Poll Books
8. International Genealogical Index (IGI)
Both the Manx National Heritage Library and Isle of Man Family History Society hold the Isle of Man on microfiche. This is virtually complete for Anglican Churches but does NOT include Roman Catholic or non-Conformist entries
9. Unpublished Indexes
Newspapers 1793 - c 1850
Births, Marriages & Deaths announcements in the Manx Sun 1850-60 (ongoing)
Wills 1600 - 1916
Church Court Orders c 1790 - 1918 in preperation
Internees during World War 2 in preparation
Shipping Crew Lists 1868-1913 in preparation
10. Parish Registers
Existing registers were called in to the General Registry in the early 1900s and copies. These copies were subsequently filmed by the Mormons and are available on microfilm covering c 1610 to 1883. They are available at the Manx National Heritage Library.
11. Periodicals (excl. newspapers)
To many to list here. Please enquire at the Manx National Heritage Library.
12. Published Transcripts of Archival Material
13. Other material
The Manx National Heritage Library holds many family archives: details of which may be obtained from the library staff.
14. Guides to Collections
See details on the Manx National Heritage Library web site.
15. Local Record Offices
Isle of Man Public Record Offices
Unit 3 Spring Valley Industrial Estate
Tel (01624) 613383
Fax (01624) 613384
Other information
The Manx National Heritage Library represents the cultural heritage of the Isle of Man and holds a wealth of archival and printed material.