2. Principal Libraries with Family History resources
Guildhall Library
London EC2P 2EJ
Fax: 020 7600 3384
Tel: Printed Books (PB) 020 7332 1868/1870
Manuscripts (MSS) 020 7332 1863/1862
Prints and Maps (PM) 020 7332 1839
Email: (MSS only) Guildhall@ms.corpoflondon.gov.uk
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 9.30-5.00
Saturday: closed in afternoon
(Closed on Saturdays prior to Bank Holidays)
Other Libraries:
3. Research Service
Service available?
Provided by local Record Office?
London Metropolitan Archives
40 Northampton Road
London EC1R 0HB
4. Births, Deaths and Marriages
Registrar General's Indexes from 1837 (microform), or Registrar General for Scotland's Computerised Index from 1855.
Not held
5. Census returns
1801-1831: Isolated returns for individual City of London parishes (MSS)
1841: City of London (PB)
1851: City of London (PB)
1861: City of London (PB)
1871: City of London (PB)
1881: City of London also transcript and index for England and Wales (PB)
1891: City of London (PB)
6. Directories
6(a) County and Regional Directories
Substantial collection for English counties, C18-20 (PB)
Some for Wales, Scotland and Ireland, C19-20 (PB)
6(b) City and Town Directories
Largest known collection of London directories, 1677 and 1736-1991 (PB)
Substantial collection for many provincial towns, C18-20 (PB)
6(c) Telephone Directories
London 1880 to date (relatively complete from 1920) (PB)
Provinces 1885 to date (relatively complete from 1940s) (PB)
7. Electoral registers and polls books
7(a) Electoral Registers
City of London 1832 to date (except 1914-16, 1940-44 and 1954) (PB)
Westminster South 1971 to date (PB)
Westminster North 1984 to date (PB Advance notice required)
Middlesex 1868 and 1870-1884 (PB)
Isolated examples for other places (PB)
7(b) Poll Books
Substantial collection for London and English provinces, C18-19 (PB)
8. International Genealogical Index (IGI)
1992: Microfiche London and Middlesex (MSS)
1992: Microfiche British Isles and At Sea (PB)
1987/8: Microfiche British Isles and At Sea (PB)
1993/4: CD-ROM British Isles (PB)
9. Unpublished Indexes
No significant holdings
10. Parish Registers
Original registers for most City of London parishes plus St. Leonard Shoreditch, Holy Trinity Minories and St. Thomas in the Liberty of the rolls (MSS)
Substantial collection of printed and typescript copies of English parish registers, London and provinces (PB)
11. Periodicals (excl. newspapers)
Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1907 (PB)
Illustrated London News, 1842 to date (PB)
Journals of most English local historical, archaeological and family history societies (PB)
12. Published Transcripts of Archival Material
Most English national series (Historical Manuscripts Commission, Rolls series, etc) and many local series (PB)
13. Other material
Rate books or similar for City of London parishes and wards, C17-1907 (MSS)
Records of City of London livery companies (MSS)
Property records relating to the City of London and to holdings of City-based landowners elsewhere (MSS)
Records of the Diocese of London, including marriage license records and ordinations (MSS)
Wills and associated records of the Commissary Court of London, Archdeaconary Court of London, Dean and Chapter St Paul's and Royal Peculiar of St. Katherine by the Tower (MSS)
Many indexes and calendars of Wills, London and provinces (PB)
14. Guides to Collections
A guide to genealogical sources in Guildhall Library, compiled by Richard Harvey, 4th ed., Guildhall Library Publications, 1997, ISBN 0900422416. Obtainable from Guildhall Library Bookshop (�3-95 + p&p).
15. Local Record Offices
Corporation of London Records Office
PO Box 270
London EC2P 2EJ
Tel: 0171 332 1251
Fax: 0171 332 1119
London Metropolitan Archives
40 Northampton Road
London EC1r 0HB
Tel: 0171 332 3820
Fax: 0171 833 9136
Email: Lma@ms.corpoflondon.gov.uk
Other information
Research service is called search@guidhall library. For a quotation, send details of enquiry to:
search@guildhall library
Guildhall Library
London EC2P 2EJ
Tel: 0171 332 1854
Fax: 0171 600 3384
Email: search.guildhall@corpoflondon.gov.uk
WWW: http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/leisure_heritage/libraries_archives_museums_galleries/city_london_libraries/search.asp