About Familia

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East Renfrewshire Council

Principal Public Libraries with family history resources
Research services
Registrar General's Index
Census records
Electoral registers
Poll books
International Genealogical Index
Unpublished indexes
Parish registers
Published transcripts
Other materials
Guides to collections
Record Office address
Other information

Library Services URL: http://www.eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk
Chapman County Codes (BS 6879): RFW

2. Principal Libraries with Family History resources

Giffnock Community Library
Station Road
East Renfrewshire
G46 6JF
Tel: 0141 577 4976
Fax: 0141 577 4978
[email protected]
Contact: Mrs Maud Devine, Information Services Librarian

Opening hours:

Other Libraries:


3. Research Service

Service available? Yes

Fee-based? No

Provided by local Record Office? Yes. Parks/Cemeteries Department will search graveyard records. Fee �5.
Registrar's Office will check births/deaths
4. Births, Deaths and Marriages

Registrar General's Indexes from 1837 (microform), or Registrar General for Scotland's Computerised Index from 1855.

Locations For Scotland, at Registrar's Office, Council Offices, Eastwood Park, Rouken Glen Road, East Renfrewshire G46 6JF

5. Census returns

Census returns for Eastwood Parish, Mearns Parish, Eaglesham, Thornliebank, Clarkston part of Cathcart for 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891

6. Directories

6(a) County and Regional Directories


6(b) City and Town Directories


6(c) Telephone Directories


7. Electoral registers and polls books

7(a) Electoral Registers

For Eastwood area from 1975 (incomplete)

7(b) Poll Books


8. International Genealogical Index (IGI)

1992 edition on microfiche

9. Unpublished Indexes


10. Parish Registers

Microfiche copies of Eastwood Parish 1674-1854. Births/marriages
Busby 1756-1854. Births/marriages
Cathcart 1690-1854. Births/marriages
Eaglesham 1659-1854. Births/marriages
Eastwood Kirk Session Minutes 1689-1861

11. Periodicals (excl. newspapers)


12. Published Transcripts of Archival Material


13. Other material


14. Guides to Collections


15. Local Record Offices

East Renfrewshire District Council
Rouken Glen Road
East Renfrewshire
G46 6JF
Tel: 638 7588

Other information